LIVE at Homecoming
This past weekend I decided it would be cool to showcase how Ohio Northern, ONU, displays its Polar Bear pride. The majority of all the Greek life at ONU participate every year. The parade this year had James Lehr Kennedy be the Parade’s, Grand Marshall. Followed by Dan and Chris Dibiasio, and finally, Klondike bringing up the end of the corvettes. The ONU Marching Band followed Klondike playing the Hymn for Ohio Northern. The only other band that participated in the parade was from Perry High school. After witnessing and participating in other parades, this one is small to witness. Coming from Mason we had about three parades a year, one for Memorial Day, the Fourth of July, Labor Day, and sometimes a parade for our Heritage Festival. Being apart of a Parade in Mason was an experience like no other. Each parade route may have been exactly the same, but there was always a crowd of people along the entire parade route. Being in the homecoming parade at ONU provides a different experience. Being an adult, volunteering your time to build a float from scratch with an idea in our minds. In Mason, all of our floats had already been designed and constructed. All we had to do was show up to participate in the parade. Whether that be me walking with the Boy Scouts, or riding in a nice car or Vehicle from the United States Military Services. In Ada we build the float, we bring all the energy for our float and this sets the tone for how we show our love and support for ONU. In general, being a part of the parade is better than observing the event. You can observe my documentation of the live tweet using the following hashtag @whitmorezach
It is always great to hear about phenomenal events like this that happen within the community. For the live tweeting assignment I decided to tweet at the football game where we played Marietta. It was weird to live tweet at first, but I would say I got the hang of it and it is definitely beneficial for all of us to get out of our comfort zone.