The Hunt

Continuing from yesterday, the job hunt has officially begun, with a position with Rowmark currently up in the air it is best for me to search for jobs within my preferred locations to work. These locations are the areas around Findlay, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago, and Columbus. I feel that a position anywhere in these cities will be the most beneficial for me. Any of the Metropolitan locations would push me outside of my comfort zone and push me to learn new things about each location. For example, each location has different traffic patterns, different atmospheres, new food, and much more. I am currently looking for positions revolving around Cost Accounting or Financial Analyst positions. Throughout my time at Rowmark, I have been able to identify my favorite parts about this internship, which included, comparing financial statements, completing budgets and projections for future months, identifying ways to become more efficient and auditing what money is being spent on inside or SG&A. I am excited for my future as a young professional and am pleased with the experiences I have gained throughout my time at Ohio Northern University. I look forward to reconnecting with friends from the University later on in our lives and being invited to all the major moments that we will share as a friend group.


  1. It is crazy to think that as a freshman this seems so far away, but I know that it is not. Time really does have a way of flying by. With that said, that appears to be some pretty grown up stuff you got going on there. I wish you the best of luck.


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