Finals Are Coming...

Today I realized that I begin my Finals Week next week. In one of my classes, Strategic Management 4871. This course is designed to only be a ten-week course. With this course, the James F. Dicke College of Business comes our capstone projects. These projects work with Deloitte, Marathon Petroleum Company, Airstream, and Cardinal Health. Three weeks of the Strategic Management course were used to cover industry analysis for each company. The industry analysis is the first heavily graded portion of capstone within the college. Dr. Franquesa originally teaches us about this analysis he also grades this portion of the capstone project. Dr. Franquesa says that this is because it is his expertise, and the other professors would not understand. With this class ending in a week, it is beginning to hit me that my time as an undergrad is almost officially over and the next stage of my life is about to begin. In about a month I will hopefully be starting a new job. Even though I graduate in a month and will still be living in Ada. The issue here is that I potentially will be paying rent for two places. With my current housing, we have agreed that we only pay utilities when we physically are living at the house. These next few months after graduation will be an interesting transition time.


  1. Well, that is definitely crazy to hear seeing as I am four years away from that, and truly can not imagine it. Yet, I'm sure it will come faster than I think. Nonetheless, I hope your project turns out great and your time in transition is much of the same.


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