Star Wars Episode IX
With the latest Star Wars film being released this past week I had a lot of speculation as to if I would enjoy it. After Disney announced that they were creating new Star Wars films I was excited. When Episode VII: The Force Awakens was released I went to the premiere showing and I was disappointed due to my hopes being too high. Next, when Episode VIII: The Last Jedi came out I went into the film with no expectations, my hopes for the film were not high and even after the movie I was majorly upset and disappointed. The film for me lacked plausibility and logic within the Star Wars franchise universe that had already been previously developed with the original trilogy, the Prequels, and all the animated TV shows, movies, and even books that came out. With Episode IX coming out I was not ready to be disappointed again but being the fan I am, I still had to see how the producers and writers closed this trilogy out. Without giving away any spoilers to the film I was very impressed with ho...