Holiday Commercials

With the holiday season in full swing both Apple and Xfinity have created two emotional commercials. Apple’s commercial displays a family displaying three generations. The commercial displays the parents of the two girls giving them an iPad to keep them entertained. This happens numerous times throughout the commercial. During one scene the grandchildren find a tape from their Grandfather's wedding with their Grandmother who had passed away. With the girls getting to work and then displaying their gift to their entire family, it becomes a tear-jerker. The music playing throughout the commercial was previously used during the beginning of Disney Pixar’s movie Up. With the music and the display of family gathering around for the holidays got me emotional and made my eyes sweat. In comparison, the Xfinity commercial brings back a beloved character created by Steven Spielberg’s E.T. The commercial displays the character returning to Earth after an extended time being away. After learning about how much time has passed, the family begins to show exactly how much has changed. We find E.T. using Virtual Reality goggles, toboggan sledding with the family, watching TV using Alexa by Amazon. Ultimately this commercial similar to Apple’s in relating to the family part. Companies will tie back to family components during the holiday season. This allows companies to incorporate a family theme to tie and promote coming together during the holiday season. These commercials are good reminders that family is everlasting.


  1. I have not yet seen these commercials. However, I do always love the season of holiday commercials. One of the great ones is the Mercedes one that comes out every year. It is Santa driving a red Mercedes and a bunch of silver Mercedes leading the way. It's just a great time of year.


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