Chapter 11, I Missed Chapter 10 :(

In chapter 11 of the book “The Art of Social Media,” the text informs us about tips for using social media. One of these is to share what you post to Instagram to Facebook and Twitter as well. This makes sense for a business, but not for a personal profile. When using a business profile, it is important to share and represent a company or organization in the same aspect, promoting at the same time, and posting the same pictures. Instagram makes this easy by allowing us to post to our Facebook or Twitter. For personal use in this current generation, most of the pictures used for Instagram would not be found on Facebook. Generation Z tends to use Instagram to promote themselves, as the platform has grown to be able to market products to sell to the younger generation. These products range from cosmetics to healthy shake options. This has led Twitter to become a meme platform or just a comedy platform that can be serious when following the right channels. Facebook now is more used for a professional setting like LinkedIn but to stay connected with your family that may be unable to visit frequently. As a business the rules do not apply, the rules are always changing and companies are always trying to get more customers to use them, rather than their competitors. Using all three platforms guarantees the same message to go across when posting photos. But companies like Wendy’s have a different face to show when they use Twitter. Wendy’s has been able to identify how to tweet to grab the attention of the tech-savvy generation. This consists of making fun of their competition and much more miscellaneous tweets. Twitter has evolved, and each platform will continue to separate itself from the other continuing into the future.


  1. I like the statement you made where you said it is always changing because that is the epitome of social media. Demographics on various platforms are always changing. Therefore, the advertisements and companies who are promoting products have to change the way they tweet. It is interesting how you brought up Wendy's on Twitter because I have noticed the same thing. Many companies tweet things that lend towards a younger crowd, whereas on Facebook they may post something to lend to the older crowd that uses it.


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